Monday, June 23, 2014

Five Forms of Text

Graffiti is an alive text.  A lot of graffiti is done to be thought provoking for it's viewers and send a message regarding current living situations.  When a passerby sees the image they start to immediately think of what the artist might be saying about society as a whole.  

Although this might seem obvious, books are without-a-doubt an alive text.  Their story is told from generation to generation and always has a different effect on each reader.  The words on the page can transport the audience to an imagined, thought provoking world.  

Text messaging is an alive text.  The author is able to immediately get their thoughts into a textual form and sent to an audience, whether it be one or many.  The reader is then able to instantly see and respond to the first author's thoughts.

Newspapers not only tell vital information to an audience, it also connects them to others through advertisements.  That is why newspapers are considered an alive text.  Since there are new editions of a newspaper everyday, the information is always changing and important to the reader.  

Advertisements  are initially used to inform a consumer about a product.  Once the reader has initially seen it they remember about it when making a decision on a product to purchase.  Since the message is being remembered later on, it is alive.  

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