Monday, June 23, 2014

Five Forms of Text

Five Forms of Text

1. Website Advertisements: Bazerman and Russell speak on how writing is used for financial gain and the betterment of economies. I believe the advertisements whether they be commercials shown before Youtube videos or small ads placed on search engine sites are both ways to increase visibility of a product through the use of writing. 

2. Diagrams/Flowcharts: Companies are able to use writing in conjunction with maps, charts and diagrams at meetings to express their opinions and goals.  The ability of using movable parts in programs like PowerPoint with writing expand the use of writing as a technology.  In this way, writing is used as a tool to teach  

3. Social Media Posts: Newfound technologies blur the lines of what it means to be a "Writer". Bazerman and Russell mention the connections between writing and identity. The possibility of creating new ideas using social media outlets provides the opportunity for mass groups of people to view profiles, form opinions and become affected by the information we chose to show online. Writing is another way for us to navigate through multiple identities.

4. Documentaries: Many people might not consider documentaries a form of writing, but I find that when alphabetic text is included, it has the possibility to drastically change the message and interpretation of what is being portrayed. Writing within a digital medium like that of documentary films are a type of educational context where knowledge and work come together. 

5. Newspaper Articles: The physical act of writing and audience interpretation is a requirement that is discussed within the definition of writing. Newspaper articles give voices to people and through publicity large audiences can read the information and through the delivery of newspapers to homes and companies, knowledge is shared quickly.  Writing through the medium of print in newspapers is also a tool.

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