Thursday, July 3, 2014

Gutenberg Revolutions

Summary: In the mid-fifteenth century, printing with moveable type was to be seen as a new way to make reading available to others, making reading no longer a privilege. The book that was flying of the shelves, so to speak, was the Bible. The way that each page was manufactured would stand firm for the next four centuries. Using small, metal letters with ink on them would be arranged in the correct order and then the page would be pressed onto the letters. After this invention was created, it spread all over Europe and was easily available to all printing presses. Each of these printing presses have a variety of staff on hand to work from composers to editors.

Comment: This form of printing press is to be considered the worlds first printer. While not like today's printers using spray in and running on electricity, it was progress for the writing industry. Without this invention, many people would have still be writing by hand for the next few centuries.

Question: This invention was the norm for printing for four centuries. Does the laps in time show a forward motion of progress, or would it be a stall due to no new invention within four-hundred years?

1 comment:

  1. During that time that was the most advanced technology that we as a society had available to us... The next great advancement wouldn't be until Franklin discovered electricity.
