Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric

  • Delivery has become irrelevant today as we do not have an oral culture, but we now need digital delivery to help us navigate the rhetoric of online text
  • Digital delivery consists of five components
    • body/identity, distribution/circulation, access/accessibility, interaction, economics
  • delivery should now be more powerful than ever
  • Aristotle and his pupils said delivery was about
    • emphasizing the role of body and the emotional impact of the speech
  • Rhetorica Ad Herennium gave different ways of delivery
  • The relationship between performance and persuasion was emphasized
  • Quintilian said there was an important connection between the character of a speaker and delivery, for example, if you are modest you may be able to persuade judges in a legal matter
  • The printing press brought a change in delivery of the printed word
  • Delivery can help design, invention, and evaluation of writing
  • Delivery has dropped off the map and is seldom taught in classes
  • In many non-western cultures, delivery is still very important
  • Delivery means reviving rhetorical and humanistic thought we as a western culture have left aside
  • Body language is a very important part of delivery
  • The way you dress and behave can impact your delivery
  • Knowing the exact way to address the audience so that the message effectively reaches them is another very important part of delivery
  • For digital rhetoric/delivery, you must format the text in a certain way so that it is easily accessible/sharable/moveable
  • access vs. accessibility: difference is access is in general do you have the necessary devices to get the info, accessibility is to make the infer available for everyone
  • Deliver a message that is interactive and compelling for users to participate
  • the economics of digital delivery: what motivates a person to distribute, access, or interact with digital media?
  • Two types of knowledge required for the "techne" of digital rhetoric: productive, how-to knowledge and practical judgement
  • The point is to develop a rhetorical theory and type of delivery that sufficiently delivers information in a digital age
  • Delivery helps the speaker do a better job of communicating 

Comment: I found this interesting that we have seemed to forget that delivery is still important when it comes to conveying a message.  I agree that we sort of chalk the digital, internet-centered world up to the idea that its supposed to be this robotic, machine-like process when that's not really true, we can still make delivering information artful and deliberate.  

Question: I agree that the art of delivery has been somewhat forgotten and that our culture today is far from oral.  But I was thinking about political speeches and news today, and in those cases I still think that delivery is very much relevant, even in a digital society.  I was watching a funny video by Russell Brand today and he was basically ridiculing Fox news for how they handled the scandal with the Texas cheerleader killing animals in Africa.  To me, the way the information was delivered by Fox was pretty comical and made me question the reporter's ethos.  I also questioned the ethos of the cheerleader for the poor delivery (in my opinion) of information about something so obviously awful.  Basically, is it really true that we've all completely forgotten about delivery when I think I still consider it pretty important today?  

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