Thursday, July 17, 2014

The New Textual Technologies

This section was very interesting, since it included so many things that we are familiar with. The transformations of computers, CD's, and other modern technology were greatly facilitated by several large companies' funding. These technologies became popular because of this, as well as their intrinsic abilities to share larger and larger amounts of information conveniently, which has always seemed to be an appealing factor to society. The book continued/continues to play a role in this modern technology, as we now online library searches (like the one from which I read this chapter) and eBooks. Their role in the formation of this technology was important as well, as they provided the foundation for all that we have now.

Comment: Technology changes so quickly it's almost scary. I think about how our generation is familiar with floppy disks, yet kids now have no idea what those are. My best friend had never heard of an 8-track, and I have never used one myself despite their popularity at the time. It boggles my mind to think of what there will be just one generation from now...

Question: Today, especially our generation, instinctively knows how to use a large amount of technology. Is this because of the design/interface, or because we were raised with it and were taught about it? (I realize this is probably similar to the nature vs. nurture psychology debate, and ultimately it is probably both.) Also, books still prevail when it comes to how-to for technology. Why do you think this is so?

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