Thursday, July 17, 2014

The New Textual Technologies

Summary: This section is about all of the technological advances the world has made since the start of the twentieth century. Everything from computer chips to war missiles are part of this new technological age of man. One of the key inventions that is focused on is the optical disc. This was only understood by one publisher, Information Access Corporation. With this technology they created the CD-ROM as a new form of publishing medium. This small disc would move on and upgrade throughout the lifecycle of technology, a never regressing feature of our lives.

Comment: I find it interesting how many steps it took to get to where we as a society are today. I also find it fascinating all of the companies that were mentioned in the chapter. From NASA, to the American Library Association, to Microsoft. Without these foundations, we would not be where we are today. Also, the author hits on the fact that all of the technology we have is driven by demand. Without demand, there is no incentive for companies to create. We are the force that drives the technology market.

Question: Technology has not only become integrated in nearly every facet of our lives, but has also become something that our lives depend on to just function. Do you feel like we as a society are "too" dependent on our technology?

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